Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rough rider

I spent the roughest part of my traveling so far, took a van for an hour, cramped with smokers, took a big bus for 4 hours cramped with no leg room and my legs pinned in one position, then a ferry ride that was pretty cool, watch some grotesk japanise movie with a buncha kids, then a train ride, then waited for a train for 5 hours (wasnt too bad though, found hbo playing in the train operators office and they where ok with accomidating a white boy, but had to lay on the floor), train ride for 6 hours overnight in humid vinyl bench seat with no good way to sleep with always just not quite enough leg room. (you know when its humid and your skin is wet all the time and against vinyl it starts to hurt after a while just to touch it to anything). Then to another train, same seats, for another 6 hours during the hot humid morning, and this was all in "business" class! Economy your not even promised a seat! Would have been fine laying on the floor instead of that sticky vinyl. It was rough but now im in the island of Java, at Yogyakarta or jokja or something like that, sposta be a prettty cool spot, ill attempt that after a long day/nights sleep in my AC!!! Only 10$,. heh, suckers......

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