With a national "bird" like that its no wonder..............
So there are two main parties:
The RED: mainly rural poor and urban working-class red shirts, who support Thaksin Shinawatra, a former prime minister
The YELLOW: who staged their own street protests that led to a 2006 coup ousting Thaksin the then red shirt prime minister
The yellow shirts said a week ago that they would give the government a week to solve the problem and if nothing was done then they said they would take matters into their own hands, launching thier own protest, not ruling out direct confirentation with the red shirts. The yellow shirts could make things alot worse as evidenced by taking over Bangkok international airport with thier own protest. The week is up and the red shirts are not showing any signs of letting up so there is the possability of Yellow shirts taking the streets tonight (Monday, April 26)
A lead red shirt protester was quoted as saying "We don't want to talk to the government because there is nothing to talk about. We cannot agree and the only way is for Abhisit to dissolve the house now." and "We will continue to fight until our victory is achieved." At least 26 people have died since the protests begain over 6 weeks ago
There is actually another protest of the protest, Bangkok businesses have banded together to protest the red shirt protesters, so of course they needed a color for thier shirts, they decided pink would be a good choice. The businesses are fed up with the red shirt rally and the effects it has had on the businesses in Bangkok because of the original protesters attempting to shut down Bangkok to get the attention of the current prime minister and show that the majority is not happy with the yellow party and they want an imediate disolve of government with new elections.
Ive heard from other backpackers that the red shirts have moved to the main shopping area of Bangkok to slow business and that they got ahold of some grenade launchers and bombed one of the sky trains.
There are investigations underway looking into if the former red shirt prime minister is funding these terrorist activities.
I hung out with some peaceful red shirts the other night, drinking cheap rice wine, shootin the shit with some police officers. They all assured me that Bangkok is the only area being targeted to get attention from the government.
So, allswell in Chiang Mai Mawwwww
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