So im walkin home, a bit a buzzed, listenin to tunes and dodging all the normal obstacles (ad signs, people, food vendors, kids playing (and YES its after midnight), merchandise, awnings, garbage piles, broken water run off drains, motorbikes, etc, etc...) where the sideWALK is suppost (bitter?) to be. THEN, I decided to take the path between a garbage pile and a water run off drain, partly, so as not to risk stepping a foot nearer then needed in the way of scowling tuk tuk and taxis because i realize what would benefit them most %( . So Im strolling along, with a little pep in my step, been a good night, hung out with some peaceful red shirts, drinkin
with some police officers (on duty :), hanging out after walking the sweet sunday market in Chiang Mai (more on that at a later date). So anyway Im boppin along, ok, truth be told, Im dancing my heart out, swingin my hips, pointing this way and that, lip syncing to a slurred version of what SHOULD be the right words, when damn near all of a sudden I feel something with course fur brush against my leg! Wait! I gotta preface this with the understanding that there are cats and dogs everywhere, some limping from being hit by cars, most scratching the infinite itch of flees leaving bumps, bare skin and bone, and they sleep like they are dead, no chasing mailmen dreams for these mangy pups, when they finally get exhausted enough to accept the infinite itch they are OUT. Some are living fat and happy, these ones have established prime locale, ie market scourers, they have the luxury of picking what they eat, and most of them pick everything that slips through greasy fingers so they are living fat and happy. One of them who lives down the street I actually mistook for a pig! No joke, until I saw her furry face and feet. The cats are more behind the scenes, they got all they can handle chasing Geckos, and rats, rats, o yea sorry....
So yea... (where was I going with this?) ...yea so, I'm waltzing through, when out of nowhere/(the pile of garbage) I feel this furry thing brush my ankle, I thought it was a cat so I just picked a foot up and twisted around to see what it was, then it brushed my other ankle, so I'm thinking its just looking for lovin. Let me remind you, this all is taking place in less then a second, which is understandable to the misfortunate
many who have fallen prey to my foosball fury. So then, I realize where this thing came from, so I jump high as my height while looking back to confirm my prediction, and off to the drainage hole scurries meaty mouse. Did I mention that Im decently drunk at this point, and its a good thing cause I was then able to shake the inevitable chills that where crawling up my spine from replaying what had happened. It was no mouse at all, it was a full grown, meat n potatoes n khao soi eatin RAT! I was close enough to hear its little squeeks and catch a glimps of its chubby hairless tail.
But, after thinking about it for a second, it wasn't all too bad. He was kinda soft, in a fibrous kinda way, and I think we give those guys a bad rap, he was just grubbing on leftovers when I came waltzing through. I don't really mind the little scavengers cleaning up after us. Which must be a common feeling here cause they let the Cockroaches grow to be monstrous!
OK, I know it was long winded (and mostly fabricated), BUT, would you rather read:
I just got brushed by rat tonight...
The end...(???)
Moral of the long story short:
Don't come between a rat's home, and his diner plate...................
So yea... (where was I going with this?) ...yea so, I'm waltzing through, when out of nowhere/(the pile of garbage) I feel this furry thing brush my ankle, I thought it was a cat so I just picked a foot up and twisted around to see what it was, then it brushed my other ankle, so I'm thinking its just looking for lovin. Let me remind you, this all is taking place in less then a second, which is understandable to the misfortunate
But, after thinking about it for a second, it wasn't all too bad. He was kinda soft, in a fibrous kinda way, and I think we give those guys a bad rap, he was just grubbing on leftovers when I came waltzing through. I don't really mind the little scavengers cleaning up after us. Which must be a common feeling here cause they let the Cockroaches grow to be monstrous!
OK, I know it was long winded (and mostly fabricated), BUT, would you rather read:
I just got brushed by rat tonight...
The end...(???)
Moral of the long story short:
Don't come between a rat's home, and his diner plate...................