Thursday, December 10, 2009

My new fav fruit!!!

Im sure you all are dying to know about my new fav fruit. Its called a Custard Apple. It is sooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooood. Its grown in tropical regions and is about the size of a mellon, at least the one I had. Matt (from Couchsurfing) took us to one of his neighbors near his fam's farm. They had a real full time farm operation and gave us a bunch of stuff to donate to the Sea Shepherd and a Custard Apple for us to try. They have a very meaty texture but you have to get it when its ripe other wise its more like an apple then like custard. Its kinda juicy but not like an orange and kinda sweet but not really sweet. Ill have to get many more when im in SE asia to help explain them better :)

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