Super amazing fantastic Vegetarian society of Chiang Mai!!.!!-!!.!!pm.
(No joke-Jack)
Or at least it should cause it is a damn fine establishment.............................
But it doesnt end with the food...............................................................................................................
They have a store attached with meat substitutes like TVP (for those not "in the know" that stands for textured vegetable protein or as i like to call it: totaltubuloso vegi pellets), and these amazing mushrooms that would totally fool the mass majority in a blindless taste test for shredded pork. They also had fresh veggies and fruits and cereals and soy milks and granola and all kinds of groovy stuff. They also had 2nd hand clothing sitting out that i assumed was donated. So I took this perfect opportunity to thin down my wardrobe/backpack.
Manditory tangent:
Ask yourself what you think suffering is.......................
Ill wait................................................................
Found a great idea in a book Ive been reading, a charicter is asked the same and his answer is...
"Suffering is a hunger" (how appropriate)
A hunger for something, or a hunger to be rid of something. As soon as you tell yourself that this moment is not perfect, suffering arises. Thats not so say nothing should ever be changed and we should always submit to circumstances. Resisting reality is futile, accept what IS, and THEN take steps for change or not. Having a direction doesnt require a hunger/a push from pain. "Good" things can only exist with the relative "bad", its all labeled with concepts but if one focuses on a larger picture they will see that without poo you cant have poinsettias, its all part of a system that is inherently perfect.
And you even get to do your own dishes!!!
Even an eco minded pigon eating out of the food waste bowl!!
Even the toilets are eco-minded (thats some kind of deo fungi for the eco funk)