Can you believe it (you, as in, my make believe friends out there in interwebland that I imagine care about my day to day ramblings)
I was searching searching searching for a replacement pair of sandals to somehow replace the vacancy in my heart. And, whadaya know....

Same color even!!! So, needless to say I was pretty ding dang stoked!
till of course.........
I saw the price tag...................ouch, ok ok, not toooooooooooooooo bad.........
then I asked for what sizes they had..................damn!
And Some might say I am putting waaaaaa aaaa aaaaaayyyyy too much emotion and effort into all this. Well listen here Mr/Mrs Some, if thats your real name! You have not been around me enough to realize the difficulty I have had and continue to have with my feet!
Between the time I lost my super sweet love sandals till now Ive endured:
-1 pair of cheap knock off Teva sandles that made my feet bleed

in 5 spots that i can see from here
-1 pair of cheap knock off Converse that gave me shooting pains in my heals and made my ring toes bleed
-I walked about 12 miles a day through downtown and surrounding Bangkok area with the heals of my feet hanging out the back of said "Converse", THEN a friend dragged me to some overpriced club with Beds all over and was expected to partake in a Redbull induced shaking of goods till 4 in the morning
-I have asked damn near every shop, stall, and 2nd hand sidewalk
entrepreneur in Bangkok if they have ANYTHING above a size 10
-1 pair of authentic Clark shoes (maybe?) which has

been about the closest Id come to replacement but then after about 2 days the TOPS of my feet started hurting me, and not like "ow, what was that", more like "ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, rest... ow, ow,ow,damn,ow,damn" etc...
Poor me!!!
Getting through all this tribulation and torture was made a little easier by seeing these amazing Buddhist statues, and being reminded of some great ascetics. Ones who STOP running for pleasure and away from pain, then turn around and start chasing away pain.

Keeping these ideals in mind, I continued attempts to accept the pain, without it effecting my emotion or mood, then taking the next step (heh) in getting a new pair of shoes.
And a bit of Hong Thong Thai wisky didnt hurt the process :)
