I guess I gotta take the good with the bad after finding the amazing Custard Apple, but I think this one far out weighs the good. Its called a Durian, it should be called "worse then eating shit, more like stinky cheese then fruit, fruit" It has a texture like warm cream cheese and smells worse then limburger cheese, if you've never ventured to put that to the test, limburger cheese IS as bad as they say it is. I'd describe it as smelling like week old dried armpit stank, and this "fruit" (in my humble yet blunt opinion) is far WORSE. And the crazy thing is, they LOVE it here. Its on damn near every corner. I picked one up cause I had to try it, and i heard that it was rough but if a whole island loved the stuff I thought I could stomach a taste test at least. NO WAY, ended up giving the rest to a local I met and he was happy to receive it (but not nearly as happy as I was to get away from that smell).
So there ya have it, THE WORST (by far) fruit on earth
And if there is anything worse Im sure ill find it!
I hope(?)